The Pantheon in Rome

The 8 Kingdoms Pantheon Temple in Rome. Dedicated approximately 126 A.D. Kingdoms – Basileus (Greek: βασιλεύς) is a Greek term and title that has signified various types of monarchs (kingdoms) in history. Pantheon (pan·the·on)1. a group of particularly respected, famous, or important people. “the pantheon of the all-time greats” Apollodorus of DamascusThought to be a...

Introduction to Biblical Kingdoms 6-8

Ancient Rome 6th Kingdom – Revised Rome 7th Kingdom – Christ/Messiah Kingdom 8th Kingdom The 6th Biblical Global Gentile Kingdom is the Roman Kingdom specifically the Caesar Dynasty beginning with the Throne of Julius Caesar. The six Roman Caesars: Julius Caesar, Augustus Caesar [Luke 2:1], Tiberius Caesar [Luke 3:1, John 6:1], Caligula Caesar, Claudius Caesar...

Early Church Writings Summarized

Summary of Intent regarding Early Church Writings, Creeds and Councils Christianity = Triune God (Trinity 3 in 1, Father – Jesus Christ – Holy Ghost) Apostolic  Biblical Belief and Theology. Modalism (2 from 1) = A type of Judaism (God – Holy Spirit) particularly Kabbalistic Judaism. Arianism (1 of 1) = More closely related to...

Ancient Egypt and Early Rome

Ancient Egypt 2nd Global Kingdom – – – Early Rome 6th Global Kingdom Summary of Ancient Egypt – 2nd Global Gentile Kingdom Introduction: The Ancient Egyptians attempted to build a Priestly passage (road) connecting this life with the afterlife in the same way that Ancient Romans built roads connecting Rome to distant cities and ports....

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